

To ensure brand recognition and strengthen consistency the primary colours focus on a clear colour scheme: TUI-Blue is the only brand background colour used for all relevant media of the experience chain. The blue spectrum furthermore encompasses shades of TUI-Blue (for backgrounds, coloured areas), TUI-Dark Blue (for text, icons, design elements, etc.) and white (for freshness and clarity in the layout).

TUI-Red primary
#D40E14 212, 14, 20
TUI-Dark-Blue default
#092A5E 9, 42, 94
TUI-Blue secondary
#70CBF4 112, 203, 244
TUI-Blue 50% secondary-bright
#C2E6FA 194, 230, 250
TUI-Blue 25% secondary-light
#E2F3FE 226, 243, 254
TUI-White background
#FFFFF 255, 255, 255


The primary colours are supplemented by four functional secondary colours and three achromatic secondary colours to simplify the TUI colour spectrum.


The functional colours are used in addition to the blue colour scheme only for functional applications or highlighting elements within the colour code. TUI-Red is to be used in a very restricted way. Functional colours are not defined to be used as background colours.

TUI-Digital Blue secondary-dark
#176599 23, 101, 153
TUI-Digital Grey disabled-dark
#4C4C4C 76, 76, 76
TUI-Digital Red danger-dark
#8C0004 140, 0, 4
TUI-Digital Yellow alert-dark
#D7A800 215, 168, 0
TUI-Digital Green success-dark
#506600 80, 102, 0
TUI-Red 25% danger-light
#FDD9D9 253, 217, 217
TUI-Green 25% success-light
#EAF5BF 234, 245, 191
TUI-Yellow 25% alert-light
#FFFBDE 255, 251, 222


Three achromatic colours can be used for background areas, to strengthen the layout, or for text (TUI-Grey and standard Black) – but never as functional colours. None of these secondary colours may be used as logo background colour, to ensure the brand is always recognised as a ‚blue company‘.

TUI-Black digital-black
#000000 0, 0, 0
TUI-Grey disabled
#737373 115, 115, 115
TUI-Grey 50% disabled-bright
#B9B9B9 185, 185, 185
TUI-Grey 25% disabled-light
#DCDCDC 220, 220, 220
TUI-Beige 25% shade-light
#F3F0EC 243, 240, 236
TUI-Beige 50% shade-bright
#E7E3DB 231, 227, 219
TUI-Beige shade
#D7D2C3 215, 210, 195